Windows 8の新UIの名称はいつ発表するのかWhen the name of the new UI of Windows 8 will be announced?


Microsoftが2012年10月末に発売する新OSのWindows 8の新しいUIの名称はMetroだったり、Modernだったり何という名前になっているのか10月1日現在まったくわからない。
8月頃にModernにしたというようなニュースがあったが、Windows 8の情報をいろいろと見るとMetroがまだ残っていたりして、何が正式名称なのかわからない。


The name of the new UI of Windows 8 of Microsoft’s new OS was and Metro, and Modern. As of October 1, but do not know the official name.
There was news that was like around August to Modern. Looking at a lot of information Windows 8, still have Metro. I do not know the official name.

That should be it, but does not state that Microsoft has announced the official name.

According to one theory, the official name is Microsoft and its partners to tell already, it’s called the stage waiting for the official announcement.
Although I do not know, to announce the name in the near future seems assured, when they announced, and it seems not a Metro Modern.