AppleはOS Xで以前からマルチ画面への対応はされていたが、実際に使ってみると様々な点で使いにくい部分が多かった。
マルチ画面への対応は、Dockや上部のメニューバーの位置など、様々な点で使いにくい部分があったが、2013年秋に予定されているOS X Mavericksでようやく本格化する。
Menu Bars and Dock
Full-Screen Apps
Mission Control
AirPlay Display
Response to the multi-screen had been previously on OS X is Apple. However, I was hard to use.
Such as the location of the top menu bar and Dock, support for multi-screen, was difficult to use in many ways.
In OS X Mavericks, which is scheduled in the fall of 2013, support for multi-screen to in full swing.
Corresponding is being enhanced this time
Menu Bars and Dock
Full-Screen Apps
Mission Control
AirPlay Display
Out and it is found that it has been enhanced in terms of most related to multi-screen.