AMD Vision Pro


AMDは2010年1月4日、商用プラットフォームのVision Proを発表した。


ATI RadeonなどのGPU機能に加えて、Trusted Platform Module(TPM)、AMDの拡張ウィルス防止機能(EVP)。AMDのクライアント仮想化テクノロジー AMD Virtualization(AMD-Vテクノロジーなどに対応する。

ロゴカラーは通常のVisionは赤だが、Vision Proは緑ベースとなる。

AMD、商用PCプラットフォーム「VISION Proテクノロジー」を発表AMD is January 4, 2010, the Vision Pro announced a business platform.
Vision was launched in September 2009, this is business-oriented version. The PC business has become even more important, and which can respond to visual communication platform.

Recently, video conferencing, video and more opportunities to practice and training, video-security functions that are more important.

ATI Radeon GPU in addition to other features, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), AMD’s Enhanced Virus Protection (EVP). Client virtualization technology AMD AMD Virtualization (AMD-V and the corresponding technology.

Vision is a normal red color logo. Vision Pro will be green.

VISION Pro Technology from AMD Gives Businesses the Competitive Advantage of Powerful and Responsive Visual Computing