日本のiPad Wi-Fi + 3Gはソフトバンク回線のみで海外はUnlocked


Wall Street JournalのBlog Digitsによると、日本国内で販売されるiPad Wi-Fi + 3Gは日本国内でソフトバンクの回線でしか使えないSIM Lockedだが、海外ではUnlockedとなるとのこと。


An Apple spokeswoman verified that Japanese 3G iPads will only work with Softbank’s 3G service in Japan. But outside of Japan, those iPads are unlocked


http://twitter.com/masason/status/13979051154Wall Street Journal’s Blog Digits said to be sold in Japan iPad Wi-Fi + 3G is only available in Japan, In Japan, Softbank can only use SIM Locked line only, but will Unlocked abroad.

It is, Apple spokeswoman saying that the information from, and I think some reliable information.

An Apple spokeswoman verified that Japanese 3G iPads will only work with Softbank’s 3G service in Japan. But outside of Japan, those iPads are unlocked

However, when brought from abroad and roaming, there is no precise information yet.

In addition, Softbank, and major overseas countries starting in late July the International Flat Data rate, Softbank Mobile’s CEO said that Twitter has been, and pricing structure, would be the country.