レノボ Windows 8 Proが動作するThinkPad Tablet 2をチラ見せLenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 Windows 8 Pro running


レノボはThinkPad Carbonを2012年8月29日に発表した。発表会の席上で、Windows 8 Proが動作するThinPad Tablet 2をチラ見せした。
詳細は不明だが、Windows 8のリリース時をめどに開発が進められているx86プロセッサーを搭載した製品になる模様だ。


Lenovo announced on August 29, 2012 ThinkPad Carbon. In this presentation, Lenovo has announced the ThinPad Tablet 2.
Although the details are unclear, but it seems to be equipped with a x86 processor products that have been developed in around the release of Windows 8.

In the enterprise, as a feature, as well as the ThinkPad TPM corresponds to the general public.
In terms of interface, corresponding digitizer pen, Bluetooth keyboard, etc. as well.