ソニー PC事業では収益改善を重視Focus on improving profitability in the Sony PC business


ソニーは2013年5月22日、経営方針説明会を開催し、エレクトロニクス事業の強化、 エンタテインメント・金融事業の収益力の一層の強化、継続的な財務体質の強化などについて説明した。





ソニー株式会社 2013年度経営方針説明会May 22, 2013, held a corporate strategy meeting, Sony has been described Reinforce the Electronics Business, Further strengthen profitability in the Entertainment and Financial Services businesses, Continue to reinforce Sony’s financial foundations.

Electronics Business, Accelerate execution of updated strategies in the three core businesses (Mobile, Imaging and Game), Return the TV business to profitability, Accelerate the execution of growth strategies in emerging markets, Reinforce new businesses (such as Medical and Security) to deliver sustained growth

Regarding PCs, in view of the changes the market and business environment have undergone in the past year, the Company is implementing a strategic realignment that initially prioritizes profitability improvement over sales expansion with the aim of returning the business to profit in FY13.

Instead of earning a number of hot-selling products, it seems to continue to provide the products have high margins.

Sony Corporate Strategy Meeting FY2013