Microsoft Surface 2、Surface Pro 2を発表Microsoft Surface 2, Surface Pro 2 unveiled


Microsoftは2013年9月23日、ニューヨークでイベントを開催し、Surface 2とSurface Pro 2を発表した。


今回の発表で、昨年発表されたSurface RTは下位モデルとして継続販売。
Surface RTの次期モデルとしてSurface 2が登場、Surface Proの次期モデルとしてSurface Pro 2が位置することになる。

Surface RT $348
Surface 2 $449
Surface Pro 2 $899

Surface 2はNVIDIAのTegra 4を搭載。液晶はフルHDに。
Surface Pro 2は第4世代Core i5を搭載、バッテリー駆動時間を60%向上、8GBメモリ、512GB SSDなどに対応する。


Microsoft unveils Surface 2, Surface Pro 2 and new accessories
September 23, 2013, Microsoft was holding an event in New York. Publish Surface Pro 2 and Surface 2.
Reservations will start from September 24, to be released on October 22.

America, UK, Australia, to launch in October 22, Hong Kong and Europe. I will be released in China in November.
Launch in Japan has not been announced, but this time, likely to be announced later this month.

In this announcement, Surface RT, which was announced last year as sales continued lower model.
Surface 2 comes up as the next model of Surface RT, I will be Surface Pro 2 is positioned as the next model of the Surface Pro.

Be released
Surface RT $ 348
Surface 2 $ 449
Surface Pro 2 $ 899

Surface 2 is equipped with a Tegra 4 of NVIDIA. LCD full HD.
With a fourth-generation Core i5, 60% improvement in the battery life, Surface Pro 2 corresponding 8GB memory, and 512GB SSD.

Accessories have also been reinforced.

Microsoft unveils Surface 2, Surface Pro 2 and new accessories