マイクロソフト Surfaceシリーズの価格を改定Microsoft Japan Surface Price cut




Surface Pro 128GB 99,800円から89,800円
Surface Pro 256GB 119,800円から109,800円
Surface RT 32GB 39,800円から34,800円
Surface RT 64GB 47,800円から44,800円

Surface Pro 256GB (Office無し) 99,800円から89,800円
Surface RT 32GB 39,800円から34,800円
Surface RT 64GB 47,800円から44,800円

マイクロソフト製タブレットSurface RT/ Surface Pro およびアクセサリの価格を改定September 24, 2013, Microsoft Japan announced the price changes of the Surface series.
Price cut of 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen, to become effective from September 25.

Surface latest was announced in the United States. For this reason, products that the old model is the price cut.

for Personal
Surface Pro 128GB 99,800 yen to 89,800 yen
Surface Pro 256GB 119,800 yen to 109,800 yen
Surface RT 32GB 39,800 yen to 34,800 yen
Surface RT 64GB 47,800 yen to 44,800 yen

for Business
Surface Pro 256GB (w/o Office) 99,800 yen to 89,800 yen
Surface RT 32GB 39,800 yen to 34,800 yen
Surface RT 64GB 47,800 yen to44,800 yen

Press Release