マイクロソフトがWindowsのライセンス料を値下げへMicrosoft to cut the price of the Windows license fee





Microsoft Said to Cut Windows Price 70% to Counter RivalsBloomberg has reported February 22, 2014 Microsoft is down 70% license fee in Windows, and to $ 15.
Price cut to $ 15 from $ 50. Applies to Windows based PC and Tablet to be sold for $ 250 less.

Originally, the price of Windows that Microsoft is licensed to PC makers such as has not been published.
Rumor was the conventional $100, and be in the $ 50 low-cost products with the advent of the netbook. But the price depending on the contract with the PC manufacturers.
However, it seems to have been the price of this degree approximate.

Currently, to combat low-cost products, such as Android Tablet, Chromebook of Google and iOS. OS price pressure had intensified from PC makers.

Microsoft Said to Cut Windows Price 70% to Counter Rivals