NEC Aterm WM3300R購入メモ


NECのUQ WiMAX対応モバイルルーターAterm WM3300Rを購入した。
すでに、UQ WiMAXのサービスは使用しかなり満足している。現在使用しているのは、LenovoのWiMAXモジュール内蔵済みThinkPad T400s。USBタイプのモジュールも持っているが、PC以外でもWiMAXのインフラを使いたかったのがこれを購入した理由。

NEC Aterm WM3300R

NEC Aterm WM3300R

この製品は、無線LANルーターとして、様々な機器が無線で接続できるが、インターネット側への接続はUQ WiMAXのみとなる。つまり、UQ WiMAXに接続出来なければ、ほとんど何の意味もない製品。


すでにUQ WiMAXのサービスには加入しているので、機器追加登録をしなければならない。もちろん、UQ WiMAXの電波が届くところで行う必要があるが、なぜか私の環境では、UQ WiMAXに接続するまでが厳しかった。
実際に、WM3300Rのアンテナには電波が来ているのはわかるし、ThinPad T400sでも余裕でつながる場所で接続しようとするがなぜかエラー。仕方がないので、より電波の状態がよいだろう屋外で接続しようとするがそれでもエラー。



高速移動中にも試したが、PC内蔵のWiMAXモジュールと同じような安定度のようで、電波が届いているところなら問題なく使用できる。ただ、例えば、ソフトバンクの3G回線でiPhoneを使うのと、WiMAXで使う場合の体感速度の差はあまり感じない。しかし、iPod touchのように3G回線が使えない端末では、どこでもネットに接続出来るので非常に便利に使えるだろう。






NEC’s Aterm WM3300R UQ WiMAX-enabled mobile router purchased.
Already, UQ WiMAX services are used. Are currently using, Lenovo’s WiMAX modules already built ThinkPad T400s. Module also has a USB type. Non-PC devices WiFi, WiMAX is the best use of infrastructure, why buy it.

20,000 yen less than actual sales. Of April 2010, low price of 16,500 yen.
NEC Aterm WM3300R

NEC Aterm WM3300R

This product is a wireless LAN router, wireless connectivity to various devices. UQ WiMAX connection to the Internet only. In other words, UQ WiMAX If you can not connect to most products do not mean anything.

Currently, UQ’s WiMAX is growing areas around the city. Of course, many local areas where it is not. My range of activities that are in almost every area. Area, PC drivers for quality, including quality and improves every day, which is capable of withstanding the practical thing.

The setup was terrible.
UQ WiMAX services to subscribers, so that should be added to the registration equipment. Of course, UQ WiMAX need to do is pick up a signal where, and why is my environment, UQ WiMAX is hard to connect to.
In fact, WM3300R have come to the radio antenna. Lead in time where ThinPad T400s, but for some reason an error trying to connect. Trying to connect from outside it good reception. Still error.
Repeat for two hours and that, luckily able to connect. Why?

In this connection, a request for additional options and equipment 200 yen a month.
Then, WM3300R why can not you try to connect to the Internet through. Appear disconnected and the Internet.
And review the settings, such as restarting a lot to do, do not connect to the Internet.
Done as a last resort after about three hours this setting back to factory condition, and redo the initial setup, why could connect without any problems.

But not sure what went wrong, to be able to use, it took about five hours.

Connection, if possible, a typical wireless LAN can be used as a router. Of course speed is faster, a bit-level ADSL.
To test the performance of the handover, while trying to go fast. WiMAX built-in PC stability similar to that of modules that can be used safely if I have received a signal. However, for example, Softbank 3G iPhone and use the line, WiMAX experience in using the difference in speed, feel too much. However, iPod touch, as the line is used in 3G handsets, it can be very helpful to use the connection anywhere.

Battery duration is less than approximately four hours off and then use that sometimes. In general, the morning went out from many of you will come back that night, standing where you want the two extra batteries. One battery Genuine 5,000 yen and expensive.

L50 Sanyo digital camera battery, so the same specifications, and that can also use it. But Sanyo’s battery life is 5,000 yen. Then come the battery is compatible, this is one from 1,000 yen. In Akihabara and are sold at 2,000 yen or less. While 20 percent recognized the danger, if sold at moderate prices, will buy a battery that is compatible with human nature.

The body heat. The winter looks pretty good so warm in summer could be quite painful.

Sensitivity of the radio and the antenna is optimized PC with built-inferior to that. The indoor radio is barely noticeable, especially that. Of course, we can also use that in the window, it is best used where it is difficult using such waves to penetrate.

The settings are perplexed, less than four hours on battery, and moderate fever, the battery must be transformed into pure mind that it is expensive, Wi-Fi Internet connection can create the environment where it is one of the best equipment.