マイクロソフトの新CEOにサトヤ・ナデラ氏が浮上Satya Nadella surfaced in new Microsoft CEO


マイクロソフトは、スティーブバルマーCEOに変わる新CEOの選定中だが、その候補にサトヤ・ナデラ(Satya Nadella)氏が浮上していると各社が報道している。




また、ビルゲイツ会長の退任についても検討が進んでいるようだ。Microsoft’s selection of a new CEO to replace Steve Ballmer. Mr. Satya Nadella has emerged a candidate.

Satya Nadella was born in Hyderabad, India in 1967. Indian-American. Was joined Microsoft in 1992 through the Sun Microsystems.

Via the server department, and launch of Bing, was appointed president of server and tools division in February 2011 from research and development, senior vice president of online services department.

Currently, Microsoft is aiming to Devices & Services business. There is a possibility that the new CEO is born from the service sector.

In addition, there is a possibility of retirement of Bill Gates.